Norther Beaches Tunnel EIS Submissions


Important information and action for Bally Boys Community from the P&C


Over the last couple of weeks, a small but dedicated team of members have been preparing a submission to the BEACHES LINK AND GORE HILL FREEWAY CONNECTION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT (EIS) or ‘The Tunnel’

Final submissions have to be in by 1st March.

The P&C will be making a submission and you can download our final submission here:


Whether you support the concept of the tunnels or not, this is your last chance to provide any feedback on aspects of the project.  

The more the impacted communities speak up, the more seriously our concerns will be taken. Objections lead to conditions that have to be taken into account when contracts are signed. It’s the only opportunity that the community has to have a voice. Once contracts are signed that’s it. 

As an example, even though the Western Harbour Tunnel Warringah Freeway upgrade was approved, it came with 75 conditions asked for by the community. So make sure your voice is heard.

Please consider your own submission. Please don’t copy and paste our submission or it will be ignored, but feel free to use it as the basis of your own submission. 

Thank you in advance for your support and contributions.


March 2021 P&C AGM and General Meeting Review


February 2021 P&C General Meeting Review