February 2021 P&C General Meeting Review

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It was great to see so many families join us for our first meeting of the new year and the P&C would like to extend a warm welcome to all our Year 7 parents who have joined the school.

From the Principal.

Paul extended his welcome to year 7 parents and then gave a summary of the incredible school achievements in the 2020 HSC despite all the COVID upheaval. The school ranked 3rd in the state of all comprehensive schools and 60th overall with 2nd place English extensions and top 50 for Maths. Also 2 boys came equal 7th in Earth and Environmental Science. Congratulations to all the staff and students. Enrolments this year have risen to 1220 students with 207 boys in year 7. Staff numbers have increased and we wish Mr James Happiness in retirement. Deputy principals are Mr Ben Seldon Years and relieving Mr Chris Boylan. 3 new demountables have been added to accommodate extra numbers.

Work on the new COLA should begin in 6 weeks and asbestos was found int he staff common room so refurbishment and extension is on hold while the school works with AMU to have this removed. Year 7 drinks social drinks will be held on TUesday 23rd in the Library forecourt with P&C requested to provide drinks. We also learned about anew project about to commence “Beyond Bally “ where boys will be equipped with skills for life and given mentoring opportunities in local business. There will be a call for volunteers for this.

Questions and concerns were raised to Paul about some conditions of some classrooms and toilets, recent bus changes were discussed and the school has been working with state transit and extra services have been added. Details on the website. A regular update on bullying was requested and a later date the well being team will present to the P&C. Vaping is illegal at the school and this issue is being managed accordingly. Boys are to wear the correct uniform at all times and represent the school until they are home. Homework can be followed on Canvas via access with their child.

AGM and Election of new P&C Officers.

Nominations are required for the 11 P&C positions plus the auditor and a separate presentation was made available on each role. Details and nominations to secretary@ballyboys.org or by completing the nomination form on the website. Unfortunately Mark Mark Sablatnig is retiring as president after 3 years. PLease see P&C website for details and forms

Treasurer and Canteen Report

Bank balance $347,619. Revenue for the year to Dec 2020 was $329K with a net profit of $63K Excellent despite Canteen closing due to COVID

Current shark tank pledges of $211k are still to be spent with $85K for new spending. New requests form music department for piano and drum kit and baritone sax and art department for aboriginal art and an artist in residence session these will be voted on at March meeting.

Canteen has got off to a great start with minimal disruption to date. The new fridge, pie warmer and chest freezer have been installed and are working well. New oven arrives tomorrow. Volunteers will be reinstated at the canteen and form can be completed on our website to volunteer. Please use flexischools for purchases as easier and less wastage. Queues look bad at start of recess and lunch but do clear quickly.

Fund Raising

Inspiration wall looking to raise $200k from plaque sales used for lower playground upgrade. Trivia night tp go ahead looking for a committee to manage this process. Last year was tough for fundraising as little face to face interaction but big plans for 2021 as COVID restrictions allow!

Future of Bally Update

Hall forecourt upgrade plans have been impacted by COVID and following architects meeting the scope may change to encompass larger project as part of compensation work from possible tunnel project. The COLA work will begin in 6 weeks and complet by Easter hopefully. Issue of ineffective and sparse bike racks was raised and please use ballyboys/ideas form for this so it can be captured. Anita and her team were thanked for all their effort to date.

Any other business.

Proposal to raise the P&C levy to $100 per family from $60 was tabled and was put to an o;one vote during the meeting. Outcomes to be advised at next meeting.

Northern Beaches Tunnel Project.- Construction is expected to cause major disruption to school life and P&C will put in a proposal representing impact to Balgowlah Boys. Many thanks to the following parents who offered to help Michelle Larkin,Sarah Bickford,Yolande Matthews and Jeffrey Choy. Parents are also encouraged to raise their own concerns on Transport for NSW website and attend information sessions. EIS submissions close March 1st.

Next Meeting

AGM and General Meeting March 9th 7.30pm Format to be advised.


Norther Beaches Tunnel EIS Submissions


Update on the recent Bus Changes.