March 2021 P&C AGM and General Meeting Review


It was so great to be able to meet Face to Face again in the School library for our AGM followed by the P&C General March 9th Meeting it was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and also welcome some new ones. Thanks so much for joining us!


From the President

Mark is stepping down from the role after 3 wonderful and acknowledged the support of the Principal, the school and the parents over his time. Covid meant that it was difficult with now face to face meetings, fund raising or social events but despite this P&C remains in a good financial position. The previous year saw the completion of the upgrades to classrooms, $2k coffee for Covid was raised and $75k was pledged for COLA upgrade and $1k was donated to students Movember Fund raising project.

From the Treasurer

Peter Morris, auditor presented overall summary. Good year despite COVID. P&C benefited from cash flow boost from Jobkeeper as well as $50k grant for COLA. Shark Tank spending was $24k with $204 remaining some of which was delayed by classroom upgrades and with $54k outstanding pledged in 2019 and $150k pledged in 2020. Total assets increased from $227k at start of 2020 to $359k at close of year. The cash balance was $353k at year end.

From the Canteen

Ann acknowledged the wonderful team that do such a great job in the canteen. Bec, Kim and the staff have done outstanding work in a challenging year! New capital equipment has been installed. The healthy canteen initiate began but has not had an adverse affect on takings which is great to see and Flexischools continues to be the preferred way of ordering and payment as it minimises waste . We are now able to accept volunteers and the Year 11 boys have done an incredible job helping out. Queues are clearing more quickly and also the wonderful work of Karen and Christine was acknowledged with regard to wages and payments.


Thanks to our new team who were voted in and will be introduced on the Whose who on the website shortly . They are President :Colin. Vice President :Sue Vice President-Canteen:Ann

Tresurer:Ingrid. Secretary:Jo Assistant Treasurer:Karen. Building a better Bally: Anita. Communications: Carolina. Events:Dee. Shark Tank Co-ordination:Hunter Auditor:Peter


From the Principal.

Paul thanked the outgoing P&C President Mark and Treasurer Christine for their efforts. Mark was formally acknowledged for his impact and work ethic over the past 3 years. He also reported that the teachers have undertaken additional training to support the boys well being needs. The year 12 prefect group is proactively supporting mental health for the year 12’s It has been overall a smooth start to the year aside from buses timetable issues which are improving.

There have been some delays from Infrastructure NSW but the COLA upgrade should begin soon and the common room remains unfinished. The new uniform shorts should arrive shortly and also a new style of sport short is under review too. There is work going on to finalise the next 4 year improvement plan and it will be sent to parents for review. Beyond Bally has kicked off with over 40 Alumni signing up to mentor and assist current boys which indicates the Bally pride is alive and well. Parent Teach nights will be held in week 9 for years 8 and 11 and in week 10 for year 9 and 10. The year 7 and 12 will be held next term.

From the Treasurer and Canteen

Feb Revenues were $42K despite it being a short month. Profit was $16k and the canteen is now accepting cash.

Shark Tank.

Teachers and community can submit ideas on the website and apply for Funding and volunteers

Music Department: Eva Stokes presented requesting funding for $10k to support longer term development of the music program Money will go towards buying a baritone Sax and classroom keyboards to ensure each of the 3 music rooms and studio have a set of keyboards. This was voted on and approved.

Art Department: A proposal for $10K to fund work with year 10 art students to approve aboriginal artist to work alongside students to create a large scale artwork was proposed as long as the final work could be installed in an area of the school that will not be affected by any of the potential future building works. This was voted on and approved. A second request was reviwed also for an artist in residence and more information was requested for this.

$500 was also requested to fund afternoon tea at the Beyond Bally to the boys participating in this program for the rest of this term. This was voted on and approved.

HSIE - Request for parent volunteers to work with a group of business studies students along side small business to facilitate problem solving skills. 4 local businesses have responded and a request will go out for a few more . Thanks to those willing to help so far!

Fund Raising

Trivia Night will be planned to go ahead as it is the major fund raising event for the year. Additional volunteers required to assist and the date will likely be sometime in Term 3 to allow time to gain sponsorship and prizes etc.

Northern Beaches Tunnel

Thank you to all the wonderful parents who worked on a fabulous submission which highlighted the major impact that this proposal will have on our boys. Local schools impacted going forward will collaborate. A huge Thanks to Sandy, Ann, Anita, Michelle,Sarah and Jeffery on your wonderful work on the submission.

Any Other Business

A presentation from the Well Being Team was proposed for Term 2 meeting. We are all looking forward to enjoying the upcoming drama production to held March 15-17th in the school hall. Entry via gold coin donation. Name tags will be provided at the next meeting.

Next Meeting 11th May 2021 7.30pm Venue to be confirmed.


The P&C Host Staff Easter Morning Tea


Norther Beaches Tunnel EIS Submissions