Update on the recent Bus Changes.


On Dec 20th 2020 the School was notified by the State Transit Authority of a number of changes to the bus timetable that have come into effect and have had a negative impact on boys journeys to and from school. The department of education had no input into any of these changes and the school executive are continuing to provide feedback as to the impact this is having. Thanks to those parents who gave feedback and have lobbied local MP’s and local Counsellors, who have, in turn been able to advocate for our boys. As of 10th Feb extra services have been commenced and the school is continuing to closely monitor the situation. The following Services have now been added.

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The P&C would like to suggest that individual families who continue to be impacted report their specific issue to buschanges@transport.nsw.gov.au


February 2021 P&C General Meeting Review


Thank You to Bunnings Balgowlah!