We need your help to support our boys

With Term 2 well underway, there are a couple of great initiatives that need your help. We're looking for some volunteers and some business support for the following.

The first is The Entrepreneurship Program which aims to introduce students to the realities of local businesses and their challenges. The program engages students in solving real-world business problems that are explained by local business owners. In order to run the program, we are looking for potential businesses from the Balgowlah community to be involved by providing the business problem for the students to analyse and potentially solve.
The program will be running during Term 2, starting around the 9th of June and finishing with a final presentation day in which the students present their solution in Week 10 of Term 2. For businesses that become involved, they would be required to attend 3 sessions, each for approximately 2 hours: culminating in a final presentation.

Feedback from those that participated last year was very positive and seen as a great opportunity for businesses and students alike.
If this is something you can help out with, please email hello@ballyboys.org

The second initiative is around work experience. The school is building a database of willing businesses, workplaces, companies, or organisations to assist in providing work experience opportunities for Balgowlah Boys students. If you or any friends, family, or local businesses you know would be willing to take on some year 10 students for their upcoming work experience can you please complete or forward on the following survey

All help will be greatly appreciated. The dates are from the 27th of June till the 1st of July. If these dates do not suit, but you are still willing to participate, please fill in the form regardless

Thanks for your continued support


BBQ Volunteers Required


Bally Band Program Parent Committee Meeting - Thursday 12th May 6pm