A huge thanks to everyone who helped at our Working Bee.....

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Bally pride was on display in spades on Saturday 1 May at the autumn Bally Working Bee.

A huge thank you to the approximately 50 students/future students/kids, teachers and parents who turned up to help (yes 50, it's not a typo!). We moved mountains at the southern end of the school and in doing so discovered some long lost stairs and a gorgeous natural sandstone wall, not to mention how much tidier the area looks. The enthusiasm and hard work of all participants was amazing and something to be proud of.

A special thank you to Bally's resident green thumb, Lachie (Year 10), for sharing his gardening wisdom and amazing tool collection and all the brilliant kids that assisted. The P&C would also like to thank Mr Sheather, Mr Stephens and Ms Tadros for going above and beyond and giving up their weekend for the benefit of the school community and our GA Sam, for his help in the lead up and after. So much was cleared we will need another skip or two to clear it all. Thank you also to those who assisted with donations of newspaper.

Stay tuned for the next working bee.....


Tickets Now on Sale for the Bally Music Showcase Evening- June 17th 6.30pm


Join us for the Bally Working Bee Saturday May 1st 2-4pm