May 2021 P&C General Meeting Review

It was great again to see so many members of the community join us to hear the latest updates from School Exec and the P&C and attend an overview presentation by the Wellbeing Team.

From the Principal…

Thank you to the P&C for the work at the recent Working Bee. A number of boys worked with Mr Stephens to clear an area behind E block to be used as a remote control vehicle track for engineering students.

An amazing array of recent sporting results including volleyball, swimming and ultimate frisbee (State champions) reflect the wide range on offer at Bally. The Drama company performed Shakespeare in term 1 and the Year 11 drama assessment production the “Book of Bally” was performed recently. The Jazz bands/ensembles performed wonderfully at the McKellar Jazz evening on Monday.  

From the P&C President of the P&C...

The Canteen had an outstanding first quarter: YTD Profit was $66k and new equipment has been installed.

The new committee is getting to know each other and the P&C has been busy with a number of activities such as the Easter morning tea, Working Bee and Trivia Night.

Discussions are underway with the band program, basketball and rowing groups to become P&C sub-committees. Tunnel – no formal response received so far. A meeting has been organised with James Griffin in a few weeks. The initial priority is funding for an independent assessment of the impact on the school.

School improvements - Building a Better Bally

The COLA cover should be completed by the end of term. A ping pong table is on order for the Year 7 area. 

The $700k metro schools grant for the upgrade of the hall will be funded equally by the school and government. The P&C has committed $150k to the hall/surrounds project but we’re looking to raise a further $150k to take the total project budget to $1m.

The P&C has a $25k NSW Government Grant for renovating the lower playground area. Planned works are likely to cost around $60-70k (TBC). Deficit to be deducted from the abovementioned $150k committed by the P&C.Teachers will provide feedback this week on the proposed works. The aim is to complete the work this year. 


Shark Tank update

The Shark Tank process has been refined: the first general meeting of each term will be dedicated to presentations, with approval to be considered at the second meeting. Ideas for spending from parents, teachers and boys can be submitted via the P&C website.

Presentations for the following spending requests were approved:

  • Aboriginal Artist – Two artists of Aboriginal heritage will work with Year 10 art classes to create the mural. Others can assist on the weekend. Funding: $10k to cover the artist fees and materials. 

  • Branded Sports Marquees x 3 for use by Bally sports team/outdoor activities, necessary for sun safety but also to instill pride in the school and offer utility value. Funding: $4,068

  • Trivia costs – request to spend up to $3k upfront to fund Galabid (online auction system), hire of equipment and decorations. Trivia night is expected to raise more than $30K. 

Presentation – Student Wellbeing

Vanessa Briggs provided an overview of the Wellbeing Team and approach taken to the boys’ wellbeing at the school. Personal development is integrated into the curriculum and is covered specifically in PDHPE for years 7-10 and the Life Ready program for years 11-12 (25 hours). Vaping and sexual consent/respect are covered in these dedicated subjects with age-appropriate content. 

Other points discussed included:

  • A recent Youth Survey identified COVID and mental health as areas of concern to young people. 

  • Parents with specific issues can contact the office. Non urgent matters are generally directed to a link in the Parent Portal (Parent Referral form) which is reviewed and actioned by the Wellbeing team. 

  • Boys are encouraged to self-refer. There is a counselling and wellbeing page on Canvas.

  • Vaping – a Government funded trial will see experts coming to the school.


Next meeting:

General meeting to be held on Tuesday 8 June 2021 at 7.30pm (venue/format to be advised).


PULSE Alive 2021 - Get Involved!


Bally Mackellar Jazz Night