Northern Beaches Tunnel Parliamentary Inquiry submissions due by the 18th June


More Tunnel action is needed - can you help?

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As you may be aware, there is to be a parliamentary inquiry into the Western Harbour Tunnel and Beaches Link.

Submissions must be in by the 18th of June.

The P&C has a submission, but we’d like to put a call out to the community to also make their own submissions. The more submissions received, the more likely we are to be heard.

Just to be clear, we are not setting a position that we are either for or against the tunnel, rather, that should the project go ahead, there must be mitigation for the impact on the school and more importantly, the boys.

The P&C submission is available below:

Important Links

The Official Project Page

The Parliamentary Inquiry Page - including how to submit

Thank you in advance for your support and contributions.


Thank You to the Year 12 Food Tech Boys who catered for our June P&C Meeting!


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