Say thank you! Buy a staff member a drink!


It’s been another challenging year for the Staff at Bally this year. Let’s say thank you to the staff by buying them a drink at their Christmas Party.

We know that many parents would like to thank the awesome staff at Bally, but are not sure how.

So we’ve set this up so that you can make a donation, as much or as little as you’d like, and we’ll make sure it all gets passed on to the staff.

This year, we’re aiming to fund the drinks at their Christmas Party, something they usually need to do themselves.

So, dig deep, click on the button below and lets make this Christmas a happy one for the staff at Bally!

Let’s all say thank you to the school staff team!

Buy a Staff Member a Drink

Go on, say thank you!


Junior Concert Band Perform at Orientation Day


Bally Bands play at NSSWE Spring Music Festival