September P&C Meeting Update

P&C Meeting 10th September 2019

At the P&C we've realised that we're probably not keeping the wider community as updated as we should be, so from now on, after each meeting, we're going to post an update on the P&C Website. Sign up to the newsletter if you want to be kept up to date.

This is the first of many...

As usual there was a great turnout for the meeting, Bally has a really engaged group of parents. A lot of things were covered off. Here are the highlights.

New Footy Jerseys

The meeting opened with Lauren Duncan, School Sports Coordinator (amongst other things) giving a presentation entitled, ‘Our footballers need you!’ She went on to explain that both Rugby League and Rugby Union are suffering from not having sufficient Jerseys, and the ones we have are an old mixed bag. She put in a request for 3 sets of League jerseys and 3 sets of Union jerseys.

 To take advantage of a deal on offer, the P&C approved the spend of $8000 which also includes a few extra shirts as spares. Shorts are included too!

 The boys are going to be looking pretty good on the field next year, so make sure you get out and support them! Go Bally!

Balgowlah Oval

The suggestion was made some time ago to use Balgowlah Oval for some of the boys at lunchtime. Sounds simple but has actually taken a bit of organising with council approvals, access to toilets and bins and making sure the boys are supervised. The good news is that it will start next term. 

Principal’s Report

Deputy Principal, Ian James stepped in to give the Principal's report, with the principal being away for the meeting.

· Year 11 exams are coming up, so please be aware

· There is a lot of building work going on as the school upgrades for wheelchair access, including a new lift.

· The department of Education is taking a close look at the school right now, they want to understand how the school is doing so well academically, with a view to replicating what they can across the State. 

· It was identified that there are a few plant casualties as a result of the current building works. It was agreed that once complete we'd look at what we can do to replace and introduce more greenery around the school.

Otherwise - business as usual.

 Treasurer and Canteen Report

It was a bumper month for the canteen this month. Long may the BP Service station stay closed! $43k revenue and $17k operating profit. Good Job!

Financially, the P&C is in great shape with money in the bank to help the school out. Of course, we always want to raise more funds, there is a big to-do list!

 The canteen is also working towards the Healthy Schools Programme, an initiative to provide healthier options for students. More to come on this.

 Sick Bay Upgrade

The P&C also approve $2000 for an upgrade to the sick room which is itself in a pretty sorry state. New beds and new bedding on the way.

 Phone Tower

It has recently been identified that the school has a mobile phone tower on site. A subcommittee has been formed to identify the risks if any and to explore the options of getting it removed if there are any. 

 David Gillespie Talk

The recent joint venture talk between the schools in the Northern Beaches College was a huge success. It was a family event meant for students and parents and it sold out within 2 weeks and resulted in a big waiting list. The talk was about the effects of screen time. As a result of the success, the plan is to continue the talks and we're very excited to announce that the next one, early next year, will be by Eddie Woo, famous for his maths YouTube channel, WooTube. Keep an eye out for the dates on the website. It will sell out fast too!

 Toilet and Classroom Upgrades

After a lot of lobbying, and frankly, shouting loudest, the Department of Education have agreed to upgrade the toilets in the school (well overdue) and a number of classrooms. The P&C want to add additional funds to get some economies of scale and get even more classrooms upgraded. We're going to be looking for support from all parents to so.

 Phone Usage in School

Towards the end of the meeting, the conversation turned to screen time and use of mobile phones in school. Concern was expressed that the boys were spending too much time on devices playing games and using social media at the cost of face to face socialising and having fun together. It was identified that the school is still defining its policy on their use and it is not cut and dried as there are often legitimate times when they need to be used in school. So, it was decided to try to get a better understanding from the broader community to see if there is widespread concern about their use and when people think it is appropriate to use them. A subcommittee was formed there and then and survey will be coming out soon. It will be on the website, so make sure you have your say if you have an opinion.

 That's a wrap for this month.

Next meeting will be on the 8th October at 7.30 in the Staff Room (behind the main office). All are welcome to join the P&C, it's only $2 and then you too can have a voice.

The website is still new and we're keen to raise awareness of it. Please sign up to the newsletter to get updates and please ask anyone else you know who might be interested to sign up too. 


Part-time Canteen Vacancy


Bally Boys Trivia Night. What a result!