Hall Forecourt Official Opening

On the last day of Term 2 it was wonderful to see the staff and some of the students gather for the official opening of the Hall Forecourt. This project has seen the area transformed into a practical outdoor space with a welcoming appeal, shelter from the rain, seating and a performance space along with disabled access. It is fabulous to see the conclusion of this project which has taken many years. The P&C would like to say a huge Thanks to Anita Tymkiv who “cut the ribbon” and was instrumental in leading the project through her work with the Building a better Bally committee. We would also like to thank John Choi and Peta Hewett, parents at the school who also gave their valuable expertise and input into the final design.

The P&C funded a coffee cart for the satff along with caramel slice that was enjoyed with other morning tea items by the teachers and support staff while we were entertained by some of our HSC music students, The P&C would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone safe and happy holidays!


Your voice matters….


Trivia Night a huge success on Red Carpet