The 2021 Bally Artist in Residence Program kicks off

On Tuesday 17th August and Thursday 19th August, Year 9 Elective Visual Arts students participated in an online workshop with the fabulous Australian artist Jody Graham. Students learned about the artist’s artmaking practice; took a tour of the artist’s studio; watched an artmaking demonstration and made some beautiful landscape artworks with the artist, all from the Covid-safe comfort of their own homes.

The boys and their teachers had a lot of fun, and it was such a great opportunity to get a full understanding of the artists’ practice and to be able to ask some really great questions!

Organised by Ms Sally Leaney with the wonderful support of Bally’s P&C and Visual Arts teacher Ms DeLosa, these workshops are the first iteration of the broader Bally Artist in Residence program; a fantastic initiative which will provide our boys with real world connections to practising artists, with opportunities for developing their own artmaking practice, exhibiting their works, and learning more about the artworld.

The P&C has committed $10,000 to support the Bally Artist in Residence program that will run across the next 1 to 2 years. This is the first instalment of that commitment. Stay tuned for further artist collaborations with Bally Boys!


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