August 2021 P&C General Meeting overview

We had a very efficient August General Meeting, where we discussed recent updates, home learning prospects and decided on the outcome of some key Shark Tank projects.

Principal’s update

Paul acknowledged the amazing effort and work the teachers and students are doing in these circumstances. In this context it looks like online delivery of school learning will continue until the end of the term. The main point of concern are Year 12 students who cannot attend school for trial exams, so they’ll be implementing online trials. The school is open to feedback from parents/carers.

Paul gave us an update on his meeting with Transport for NSW about the Tunnel project. They are willing to discuss the mitigation of noise levels and how to prevent disruptions. The P&C has also been contacted and will be meeting a representative for Transport NSW next week.

On a good note, the ping pong table will finally be installed tomorrow in the Y7 area. Something for the boys to look forward to when they go back to the campus!

President’s update

Colin’s overview included an update in one of the recent Shark Tank’s projects funded by the P&C: Visual Arts Bally will run an online artist workshop with Year 9 students run by artist Jody Graham next week.

A new date is being explored for the Trivia Night, more info to come soon.

The P&C is looking at ways to facilitate parents say thank you to the teachers that do such an amazing work. Last year we had Coffee for Teachers. Any ideas of what we can do this year? looking at implementing it at the beginning of Term 4.


Voting went on for 4 different projects: TAS, the Lower Playground update, Drama/‘Arts Alive’, and finally the update to Constitution/By Laws. All the projects got approved.

Other Business

HSIE Teacher Andrew McGuire gave an exciting update on the Entrepreneurship Program, find more details in this article.

Sue gave an update on the possible changes to music tuition, which is likely to change its delivery to before/after school as opposed to during school hours.

Next P&C General Meeting on October 12th at 7.30pm. Format to be advised.


P & C Funds Purchase of Baritone Saxophone & Keyboards for Music Department


Great results for the Entrepreneurship Program