July 2021 P&C General Meeting review

It was great to see so many families join us online for our first P&C meeting of Term 3, 2021


From the Principal

Paul gave a summary of the current online delivery of school work during the this lockdown. The school has heard parents and students and is providing more structure and guidance to students through online video conferences, recorded video, and a schedule of activities to be completed each day, among other initiatives. 

Unfortunately, due to the lockdown and COVID-19 restrictions, there are a number of events that have been postponed, such as this Friday’s School Assembly, the Ski Comp and the Trivia Night. A great amount of work has gone into planning this very special fundraising initiative and we thank all school community members involved. But don’t get your hopes down! We’re currently trying to secure a new date for the Trivia Night, keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for an update. 

Paul expressed his gratitude to Bally P&C and the wider school community for organising a working bee to paint the block G classrooms and bathrooms. An amazing work by Sharon Hunter who brought the idea and got Dulux to donate the paint, and to the more than 60 volunteers that got behind the project and donated their time and effort.

P&C update

Colin gave an update on how the P&C has been helping the wider school committee by providing infrastructure for events such as the Music Showcase, where the P&C helped with an online solution for ticket sales. 

The last week of Term 2 the P&C showed support and gratitude towards the school staff, this time through a sausage sizzle which was well received by the teachers. It was a great opportunity to spend time and get to know each other. 

Sandy Hoy gave an update on the Tunnel Submission, which was successfully delivered and is now under consideration. 

Jo gave an update on the changes to the bylaw constitution. Please refer to the last meeting minutes for a link to review these, and send your feedback in the upcoming weeks.

Anita updated us on the Lower Playground project. When inspecting the school grounds with the vendors it was noted that the area next to the basketball court has been significantly eroded by rain and needs to be fixed. It’s been therefore proposed that the scope of the lower ground project changes to reallocate some of the funding from planting to provide seating to cover this eroded area.It’s also been proposed that we reallocate an extra $17k from the already approved school hall project to cover this (in addition to the $35k already committed by the P&C and the $25k government grant). The presentation will be circulated and questions are welcome ahead of the next meeting, where voting will take place.


Shark Tank

We were delighted by some amazing presentations. These will be circulated for your review, feel free to ask any questions ahead of the next meeting, where voting will take place.

Cameron Mills presented a funding project for new TAS equipment. With an increasing number of students signing up for TAS and TAS elective subjects, there’s the need to update some of the equipment.

Karen presented a project from the Drama Company and Studio, to fund sets and costumes for the upcoming performance in March 2022. A lot of work comes into this from the teacher and students, and the P&C funding would help these productions shine even more. We also discussed the possibility of having the proceeds of these events go back to the P&C.

Any Other Business

The Telstra Tower submission date has been extended to July 25. Parents that want to make a submission can do that online.

Next Meeting

AGM and General Meeting August 10th 7.30pm  Format to be advised.


Bally Band Program Moves Online


Bally Music Showcase a Huge Success!