June P&C Meeting Round Up
We all collaborated on Google Meet in June….
Summary of the June 9th General P &C Meeting.
Well it was excellent to see over 35 families join us for our second on line meeting where we are able to vote in on line ballots due to a change in the constitution to support the challenging times we are working in! It was great to also see lots of questions and suggestions flowing in the on line chat during the meeting
Principals Report
Paul Sheather reported that the staff are all very grateful for their coffees and are enjoying the walk around to Café Trapani in Seaforth who are doing a great job.
It has been a relatively smooth transition back to face to face teaching but currently there is limited scope for sport at present.
He also explained that a less formal format assessment is underway with some latitude being afforded to Year 11 during the lockdown period. School reports will be distributed by the end of Term 2.
The upgrades continue around the school which include damp remediation for the front office, COLA installation in September and 16 classroom upgrades in A&G block planned and the new Science Lab will also be installed. Funding for the Hall upgrade is approved but not released as yet and some work is being done behind the scenes to expedite this.
Treasurer and Canteen Report.
The canteen is back to full strength and the queues are once again an issue. There is a limited menu being served and it will remain cashless and volunteer free until the end of Term 2. Revenue is improving and there was a request to consider providing breakfast.
April saw a $16k loss but profit of just over $9,000k for the year. May revenue continues to be down but there is $250k in the bank including $70-80k allocated for Shark Tank funding.
Fund Raising
Several ideas are being considered including advertising along the front fence, Farmers Markets and Year 7 starter packs in lieu of normal fundraising activities.
There will be a separate fund raising meeting to discuss ideas and set a priority list.
Future of Bally
Anita reported that there has been a lot of work with concept designs being developed for the Hall Forecourt upgrade and thanked Craig Burns, Kathlyn Loesby, Peta Hewett, John Choi, the DuPlessis (all architects) plus Tim Markey and Eilis O’Beirne for all their work so far.
2 quotes have been obtained for surveys of the Hall and surrounding area. The Year 7 & * geography students are being engaged with stormwater management and also playground design and use and results will be used to inform architects brief.
Bunnings have generously donated a number of tools and soil for the Green wall project and the boys are now engaged in ideas and solutions.
Grant application has been made to upgrade the playground area along Maretimo street.
Mobile Phone Survey
Colin reported that the survey has been emailed to parents and is open until the end of June. A report will be provided at the next meeting. Thanks to Sandy and Colin for their efforts in pulling the survey and supporting material together.
Colin requested that people sign up to the Bally P&C distribution list.
A number of recent updates have been posted to the website including, coffee donations page, parent skills request along with Hall and Cola Upgrades.
The In the loop Newsletter was sent to the P&C Distribution list.
Future plans are to hold a teacher info session on how to approach the P&C for funding.
Other Business
New school uniform short design circulated for input.
Ability to use grounds on the weekend discussed but security is an issue and the gym is largely booked by Basketball and Volleyball.
Next Meeting Tuesday 11th August @ 7.30pm Format to be advised.