May P&C Meeting Round Up
There was a great turn out to our first On line P&C meeting due to the current Social distancing restrictions and a big thanks to everyone who joined via “Meet” we welcomed 24 attendees which was great. Although the constitution does not allow for voting in an on line forum we were able to get updates from all that is currently happening and here is a summary of the highlights
Principal’s Report
Paul Sheather was able to let us all know about the enhanced hygiene measures that have been introduced as a result of the current challenges being presented by COVID -19.
These include increased cleaning to high traffic areas in the school including toilets and bubblers. Hand sanitizers provided in all class and current numbers limited to 12 per classroom. Good attendance reported thus far in the transition return days for year 7 and 8, with year 12 already back 4 days per week. 5 Bally Teachers are in the high risk category, but the remainder are able to attend.
The upgrades to all the ramps at school have been completed along with the refurbishment of 2 toilet blocks.
16 more classrooms are to be upgraded over coming months as well as upgrades to 2 further Laboratories and also the Staff Common room and decking area.
Hall refurbishment is on the agenda with available funding of potentially $300k by the Department and an equal amount by the school.
Particular thanks were given to Anita and Mark from the P&C for all their advocacy work with the State and Federal Governments.
The P&C will also set up at Coffee tab to show gratitude to the teachers at this challenging time.
Canteen Update.
Lots of work going on behind the scenes but the resulting school closure has obviously had a major adverse effect on revenue from the canteen with a $16K reported for April but the job keeper payments will reduce this by $6k and year to date a $15k profit was reported.
The canteen opened again 11th May with a number of safety measures in place including social distancing queues and cashless payments only.
Some additional communication required to ensure all payments are made via Flexischools.
Treasurer’s Update.
Christine reported that currently P&C bank account currently $242k and she is finalising a report to show approved Shark Tank requests verse actual spend year to date.
Also, she let us know that the transition from MYOB to Xero has improved the efficiency of reporting staff hours greatly.
Canteen has applied for government stimulus to cover loss period so far, we have been paid $10k with a further 2 payments expected and a decision on how this will be applied was carried forward.
Future of Bally Update
Anita shared the exciting progress of the hall forecourt project with vegetation being cleared away and 2 architects have sketched ideas for the space.
A design forum is planned to refine the pre tender brief for final design and we are seeking parents help with any architecture and surveying skills currently.
The plan to create a green wall along the Sydney road fence now has the assistance of Bunnings to provide, soil, tools and plants and once restrictions are eased there will be a parent working Bee organised to assist.
The grant application for the COLA has been approved with work to commence in the second half of this year.
Parent Surveys
We are very keen to understand the skills within our talented parent group at Bally, so a form will be created to capture this.
There was a technical challenge with the mobile phone Tower survey, so the mobile device survey will go out shortly with the Tower survey following later in the year. The Tower upgrade request has been withdrawn.
Fund Raising
Trivia Night is postponed which raises concern for this year’s budget, but sine alternate ideas are being worked on which Simon is leading.
Blaze aid fund raising is also on hold for now.
Other matters
Proposed changes to the Boys Uniform shorts will be carried forward to the next meeting.
Look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on Tuesday June 9th at 7.30pm with the format to be advised.