October 2020 P&C General Meeting Review

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Once again it was great to see so many families join us on line at the October 13th meeting which was held on the second day of Term 4. We hope everyone enjoyed a restful holiday break. We continue in th Online FOrmat using Google Meet and online voting on 2 motions was opened.


Paul Sheather reported that there had been much positive publicity following the SMH article on the School’s literacy program with Australia wide interest being shown from other schools and the DOE is working on sharing feedback collectively. Year 12 are back temporarily prior to HSC exams commencing. The school upgrade to A & G block are almost complete and look fantastic as well as sliding doors added to the satff common room and there is a plan to upgrade the Kitchen area here to allow for increased staff capacity.

The New Science Lab in A block is complete and the remediation works on the admin block are complete and additional clerical staff can now be housed and hired. The additions to the RAS area and computer room are also in progress.Year 7 & 8 leaders are finalising the boys view on the proposed uniform change to shorts. Parent volunteers are still not permitted onto school grounds due to COIVD restrictions at present. The application for joint funding for the School Hall project was not approved as it did not have the teaching and learning outcomes of some submissions. We need to plan what next here. THe COLA project has had to be rescoped with tenders currently underway and work hopefully to be completed over the Christmas break.

Year 7 2021 enrollments are currently at 200-230 with overall student total to be 1240 for 2021. Year 7 camp will go ahead later this term but not Year 9 camp.

Band is recommencing in term 2 and Oval use at lunchtime is increasing and will continue into next year.


On LIne orders remain strong and this is really helping to reduce waste, and some new processes are being trialed to try to reduce the Queues for Year 7&*. The canteen will remain cashless fro now and breakfast is now being served. A motion was proposed to allow up to $10k capital expenditure following 3 quotes and Exec approval. Current requirements are to replace chest freezer,pie warmer and a fridge.

A grant app;iation has been made for an Industrial Dishwasher. September draft revenue of $42K with a net profit of $10k. Shark Tank pledges of approximately $203k are still being reconciled.


Inspiration wall planning is well underway targeting donations to a total of $150K which would be used towards the Hall and Surrounds project. Volunteers were called for and a sub committee meeting proposed.A motion was proposed to to spend up to $5k on promotional material to fund printing and postage of a mail out. Donations will be tax deductible


An email was received raising concerns about smoking/vaping in the toilets. Some restrictions are in place and supervision remains a challenge.

The school wishes to be notified about any students in uniform seen externally Vaping please to allow appropriate action to be taken.


Tuesday Nov 10th 7.30pm format to be advised.


P&C Thank the Staff at Bally on World Teachers Day 2020


Mobile Device Survey Report