Join the Bally Boys P&C Exec

You can make a big difference to the school

Expressions of Interest PLEASE

For the last few years the Bally Boys P&C has enjoyed some stability with a great group of people volunteering to run the P&C. Many of those have boys who are leaving the school and we need the next generation of parents to come and take over. We like to keep the exec quite big so that the load can be shared. We have a couple of key positions that we need to fill and some general positions too.

Learn bout the P&C Exec Roles

Treasurer - if you are an accountant or financial controller and can help out, we need you. We use Xero and the books are in great shape, and there will be a full handover.

Communications - if you are from a marketing, comms or PR background and use email marketing software, write a good newsletter and update a website, we need you. We use Squarespace for most comms and it’s really easy to use. We provide full training.

Other - take a moment to look at the other roles in the presentation above and if one of those interests you, please let us know.

What’s the commitment?

We have 8 P&C meetings per year and typically 6-8 additional exec meetings, often by Zoom. Depending on the role, it’s about supporting those meetings and the other commitments. Let us know if you want to chat more about the details.

Please express your interest by filling in the form below, and we will follow up to discuss the roles further and next steps…

Exec Benefits

  • You get to know all that’s going on at the school

  • You play an active role in decision-making

  • You get to feel good for helping out and making a difference at the school

  • You’ll have a great experience and make some new friends

    Apply today and join in the fun!