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March P&C meeting and AGM

All welcome to our AGM AND Regular P&C meeting. It’s in the staff room behind the main office.

Downloads - Agenda, 2019 AGM Minutes, Feb 2020 Meeting Minutes

As per the rules, all current Office Bearers are required to stand down - so all positions are vacant. This year we are introducing new Executive Member roles so please, if you are interested, email us CONTACT US to nominate yourself (or someone you know) for the position.

P&C Positions


This role is responsible for the successful operation of the P&C, chairing P&C and P&C exec meetings, and is the primary liaison between the school and the P&C

Current Nominees -  Mark Sablatnig

Vice President

Assist the President with the overall operation of the P&C and managing executive members roles and responsibilities

Current Nominees -  Colin Cardwell


This role manages meeting agendas and minutes as well as P&C executive communications

Current Nominees - Joanne Holley


Manages the finances of the P&C

Current Nominees - Christine Gargan

Executive Member - Assistant Treasurer

Assists Treasurer in managing the P&C finances and also responsible for Canteen staff payroll duties

Current Nominees - Karen Frost

Executive Member - Canteen

The P&C operates the Canteen has a full-time Canteen Manager who manages the day to day operations, but this executive position to take responsibility for the Canteen

Current Nominees - Ann Collins

Executive Member - Communications

Writes and coordinates the distribution of the P&C Newsletter and keeps the P&C website content updated

Current Nominees - none yet

Executive Member - Fundraising and Funds Distribution (including events)

This role oversees the fund-raising activities and the funds distribution of funds to school projects

Current Nominees - none yet

Executive Member - Future of Bally

This role oversees the subcommittee that manages the projects that will shape Bally's future; development, infrastructure, learning strategies, etc.

Current Nominees - Anita Tymkiw

Executive Member - Technology

Manages the website, surveys, database and other technology (eg Canteen POS system) used by the P&C

Current Nominees - none yet

We also need to nominate an Auditor, so please let us know if you or anyone you know may be interested and suitably qualified (would need to be an accountant and ideally a CPA or CA)

Please note - join the P&C before the meeting

In order to vote on above positions and any motions presented at a P&C meeting you must be a member - please join on-line at

11 February

February P&C meeting

12 May

May P&C meeting online with Meet