Welcome to Bally Boys P&C

We’re on a mission…

We’re here for our boys. Bally Boys is getting better and better every year, but the school needs your help in a number of areas to continue its journey to success. The P&C already do great work, but we’d like to do even better. Help us raise more funds to support additional programmes and achieve the best possible environment and results for our boys.

Find out how you can help us.

Make a donation

As a P&C we support Bally in many ways, but perhaps most of all with funding. We can’t do that without your help, so please take a moment to make a donation. As much as you can. Every bit makes a big difference.

Got an idea? Need some help? Submit your request to the Shark Tank

We’re always looking for ideas of how we can improve the school. We can help with promotion, finding volunteers and funding. If you have an idea that needs some help from the P&C, let us know by making a submission to the Shark Tank